Saturday, August 23, 2014

37. Sarah Plain and Tall (MacLachlan)

"Did Mama sing every day?" Caleb asks his sister Anna.
"Every-single-day," she answers. "Papa sang, too."
Sarah Elisabeth Wheaton comes from Maine to the prairie to answer Papa's advertisement for a wife and mother. Before Sarah arrives, Anna and her younger brother Caleb wait and wonder. Will Sarah be nice? Will she sing? Will she stay?
-From the Publisher


  1. Q:How did Sarah feel about herself?
    A:Sarah felt negative about herself because in her first letter to Jacob she said "if you still care to write" instead of please write back. Also in the fourth letter she said "i am plain and tall.

  2. I really liked the part when they were about to have the storm and they tried to fix the roof, and it started to hail and they all rain into the barn.

  3. Drew 40
    Q; Where did Sarah move from.
    A; Sarah moved from Maine.
    Q; What are Sarah's favorite colors.
    A; Sarah's favorite colors are Blue,Gray and Green.

  4. Q1. How did Sarah bring "the sea"?
    A1. She brought 3 colored pencils that were the color of the sea.

    Q2. Why did Sarah name her cat "Seal"?
    A2. She named him Seal because his fur is the color of a seal.

  5. Q:When did Sarah and Caleb's mom die?
    A:Right after Caleb was born.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Q: What was Sarah's "sand dune"?
    A: A big pile of hay.
    Q: What did Anna and Caleb want Sarah to do that their mom always did? A: Sing.
