Saturday, August 23, 2014

19. Frindle (Clements)

He really just likes to liven things up at school -- and he's always had plenty of great ideas. When Nick learns some interesting information about how words are created, suddenly he's got the inspiration for his best plan ever...the frindle. Who says a pen has to be called a pen? Why not call it a frindle? Things begin innocently enough as Nick gets his friends to use the new word. Then other people in town start saying frindle. Soon the school is in an uproar, and Nick has become a local hero. His teacher wants Nick to put an end to all this nonsense, but the funny thing is frindle doesn't belong to Nick anymore. The new word is spreading across the country, and there's nothing Nick can do to stop it.
-From the Publisher


  1. I liked that the word frindle spread to a lot of places and there was a bunch of products that said frindle on them. Another thing I liked was that nick got a bunch of money from from the frindle products and he didn't know it.

  2. Q; What does Nick think the battle is like?
    A; A giant chess game

    Q; What gives Nick the idea to make a new word?
    A; When Mrs. Granger says who says dog means dog

  3. Q: What word does frindle substitute?
    A: Pen

    My favorite part of Frindle is when Mrs.Granger tells Nick that she liked the word the whole time.

  4. Q:When Nick was older what gift did he give Mrs. Granger?
    A: a beautiful gold fountain pen.
    Q:How much money did Nick donate in the Lorelei Granger student fund?
    A:one million dollars

  5. Q: What did the word frindle go on?
    A: T-shirts, and other pens(a.k.a frindles)

    My favorite part was when Mrs.Granger sent a gift to Nick that was a dictionary with the page marked, and the page had the word frindle on it. That made me really happy.

  6. Q: how much mkoney did nick give to Mrs.granger?
    A: One million dollars

  7. I love how at the end of the story nicks word FRINDLE was put in the dictionary. I wish I could make up a word that could be in the dictionary.

  8. Michael 4H

    I like this book because there is a boy who makes a new word, and becomes famous.

  9. Q:What is a frindle
    A:Another name for a pen

    Q:What did Nick give his old teacher when he was older
    A:A nice fountain pen

  10. Q: Who is the Westfield Gazette's news reporter?
    A: Judy Morgan
    Q: Who first sold the frindles?
    A: Bud Lawrance

  11. Q: What is the first word Nick made up

    A: GWAGALA(Page 51/52 top of the page)

  12. Q: How did Nick come up with the word Frindle

    A: His friend dropped her Pen and Nick picked it up and said here's your FRINDLE

  13. Q: When Nick made the Chess game reference who was the black team and who was the white team

    A: Mrs.Granger was the Black team and Nick was the white team

  14. Q: Why did he come up with the word frindle? A: because he liked to make excitement.

  15. Q: What does Frindle mean?
    A: Pen

    Q: What does Nick give his teacher?
    A: A foundation pen

  16. Q What did Nick tell his class to do when they where taking a class picture?
    A Nick told them to hold up their frindles, or pens, and say FRINDLE!!

  17. What is Mrs. Granger's favorite book?
    The dictionary

    What does Nick vow to do with his friends?
    Never say pen again and only say frindle

  18. Q: What did he rename the pen?
    A: He renamed it the "Frindle"

    Q: What is the main characters name?
    A: The main characters name is Nick

  19. Q: What was Nick famous for at the beginning of the book?
    A: Nick was famous for asking questions to delay the teachers so that they would run out of time to give homework, then the kids would get away with free homework

    Comment: I was intrigued to know that Nick could use the English language to change words

  20. Q: What was Frindle's Definition?
    A: A writing utensil that uses ink. AKA: A pen.

    Q: What was Mrs. Granger's favorite book?
    A: The English Dictionary.

  21. Q: What did Nick find in the grass?
    A: A Gold pen (frindle)

    Q: What did Mrs. Granger tell her class?
    A: To read a specific word in a dictionary, Frindle!

  22. Q: After Nick made up the word frindle, what did they add to his town sign?
    A: Home of the original Frindle.

  23. Q. What was the punishment when the kids at school said Frindle
    A. They got detention and had to write the sentence saying I will never say the word Frindle again 100 times

  24. Q1. How did the news reporter get the 5th grade class picture?
    A1. The reporter got the class picture when she found a brown envelope that said "Frindle Story".

  25. Q2. How much money did Bud owe Nick for the first 3 weeks of Frindles?
    A2. Bud owed Nick $2,250.

  26. Q: how many words did Nick have to write the full definition of?
    A: Nick had to write the definition of 35 words.

  27. Q:Who was the name of Nick's teacher
    A: Mrs. Granger

  28. Q:When did Nick say the word frindle for the very first time
    A: In the after noon
